Monday 4 November 2013

Female Cardinals...

The Irish Times claimed that Pope Francis might appoint a female Cardinal or two at the next Consistory. They are a little behind the times - the first female Cardinal was actually appointed at an emergency Catsistory, once it became clear that England & Wales didn't have a Cardinal of voting age. Unfortunately for Archbishop Nichols, the recipient of the red hat was none other than Cardinal Mastai-Furretti (to give her her full name)...

Now that a new Consistory has been announced for February, Monsignor Guido Miaowrini is hopeful for an upgrade... and it would double the number of female Cardinals, so everyone (except Archbishop Nichols) would be happy...

After all, if people are silly enough to think women can be Cardinals, why not cats?


  1. Cats as Cardinals? A definite improvement---oh, instead of women..oh, I see.

  2. A bit of catsuistry going on here if I'm not mistaken. . . .

  3. Monsignor Miaowrini looks quite perky at the prospect of a red hat- I imagine looking forward to not having to MC any more polyester vestment occasions.
