Monday 19 August 2013

A Wedding To Rejoice At...

On Saturday I was privileged to attend the wedding of friends of mine - two wonderful young people, and I wish them every possible happiness as they start their life together. I took a few photos which you can see on my Flickr page.

2013-08-17 14.56.58

Quite apart from the solemnity of the occasion a couple of moments really made the day memorable for me personally.

The first was my (only partially successful) attempt to prevent the mother of the groom garotting the bride as they processed out at the end... to be fair, the bride had turned the corner of the aisle; unfortunately, her veil had not...

Next was my attempt to be helpful, taking His Hermeneuticalness' bag and Missal to the car while he had a brief word with Fr. Briggs. Halfway to the M25, I asked if he wanted the Missal brought back to Blackfen in time for the evening Mass...

"What Missal?" came a confused reply.

Alas, the Altar Missal that I had picked up was the one belonging to Chislehurst. I was soundly berated by my Parish Priest for making such a basic error...

Apparently next time I should accidentally pick up something worth keeping... like vestments, relics or candlesticks. Novus Ordo Missals are of no interest, it seems.


  1. They look like a lovely couple. Wish them all the best. One thing that I would love to see, is the return of traditional wedding gowns. Not that many years ago, a woman would never approach the altar or even enter a Church with shoulders exposed, and many times, sad to say, even breasts too. I often think about Our Blessed Mother and how she dressed and aren't we to imitate her? With modesty and humility? When my daughters got married, it was difficult finding a dress that covered the shoulders, and didn't lay bare their chests..everything was strapless. But we looked and looked and we did find them. They were very beautiful ! We live with 4 Catholic Churches in about a five mile radius, and I have to admit, when I drive past them and see a wedding party going in or coming out, I feel so terrible to think of how Our Lord is offended...with Black bridesmaids dresses and as I said, wedding dresses that expose way too much.

  2. Not quite sure what the problem is with black bridesmaids' dresses, Barb, though I do think that women should cover their shoulders - having said that, I think it is even harder now to find appropriate wedding dresses in England (especially if on a tight budget)as we are so very much at the mercy of "current fashions."
