Sunday 9 June 2013

More Blessings...

Having made their First Holy Communions in May, three new recruits have joined the team of servers at Blackfen. The Senior MC believes in getting them to do different jobs as soon as possible - which means that there is no lengthy period of being junior torchbearer for six years or so before progressing to senior torchbearer... (yes, I'm exaggerating, but only a little!)

This does make for a steep learning-curve, especially if we are short of more experienced servers, as happened today... The two new torchbearers would be "on their own" without anyone to copy, so Jonathan took them through their paces before the Mass started...

2013-06-09 10.26.57

The new acolyte was able to copy the other acolyte, but I suspect that he was finding the candle just a little heavy... well, it was almost as big as him!

2013-06-09 10.48.45

It is a tremendous blessing for the parish that we have so many young boys keen to serve the Mass, and it will be interesting to see how they progress over the next few months...

There are a few more photos on my Flickr page.


  1. good policy - in few years they'll be doing MC at EF masses.

  2. Indeed... the latest server to take the role of MC (about five or six Sunday Missa Cantatas under his belt now) is about 12 years old...
