Tuesday 16 April 2013

Some Things Never Change...

Back in March, the incomparable Fr. Z posted evidence that kitties have always demonstrated the tendency to walk all over one's work, be it on laptop, foolscap or parchment...

Fr. Z speculated on the possible response of the monk whose work this was, but I suspect that the reaction was probably more like the one I encountered at school yesterday...

"Miss, my book appears to be all muddy..."
"Ah, yes... I need to apologise for that. I'm afraid my cat jumped on it... Sorry about that."
"Oh, that's ok Miss..."
*Loud chorus of voices from around the room accompanied by scuffling sounds as several teenagers try to get a good look...* "What, you've got cat prints on your book? Can I see them...? Go on, show me..."


  1. Cats are universal. :D

    Speaking of which, it seems my Amadeus may have considered your kitties' kill count a challenge of some sort... http://ofpieandpalestrina.blogspot.com/2013/04/transatlantic-kitty-competition.html

  2. Paws for thought, eh ?
