Friday 8 March 2013

We're Getting Closer...

Here we go. After what has seemed to be an incredibly long wait, all the Cardinals have arrived in Rome and they have opted to start the Conclave a few days early, on Tuesday, 12 March. If the Pope had died,the Conclave wouldn't have started until March 15th. I suppose it just feels longer, as the Pope gave two weeks' notice of his abdication...

Last time around, Pope Benedict was elected after three ballots, on the second day of the Conclave. Everyone seems to expect that this one will be a longer affair.

Keep praying...


  1. As a journalist, everything that I have researched would suggest a shorter Conclave than last time; less than three ballots as in the 2005 Conclave and more like one or two.

    I mention this because if it is to be a quicker decision, then we need to pray all the harder. As you urge, Mac, let's keep praying.

  2. If the rumours about the Italian Cardinals wanting a snap result is true then let's hope it takes a long time this time.

  3. ..... but not so long that we are reduced to removing the roof tiles and denying them any food.......

  4. BTW and off topic, happy Mother's Day to a mother of black and is a mother's day card for you and all cat-mums.

  5. Here is a little reflection on the now (1800 GMT on 11 March 2013) imminent conclave, in the spirit of the American poerm, "The Night Before Christmas."

    The Night Before Conclave

    'Twas the night before Conclave
    And all throughout Rome
    Folk cast anxious eye
    Past Saint Peter's dome

    To the roof of the Sistine
    And the new chimney there
    In the hope that white smoke
    Would soon fill the air.

    Whilst the Spirit of God,
    The Heilege Geist,
    Poured His seven-fold gifts
    On the cardinals that night.

    On Ouellet, Dolan, Scola, and Burke
    On Scherer, Schoenborn, Erdo and Turk-
    son, Wuerl, Ranjith, and one hundred five others
    all praying the Rosary of our Blessed Mother.

    For on the next morn, they'd offer a Mass,
    And, in procession, through hallways they'd pass,
    Singing Veni Sancte Spiritus, through the Sistine's doors,
    Which would then be locked, to open no more,

    'Til bells pealed and white smoke swirled into the sky,
    And through Saint Peter's Square echoed the cry,
    "Habemus Papam!" and the new Holy Father
    Stepped forth to speak and bless those who had gathered.

    So let Christ's faithful pray from the heart,
    For non-cardinals, too, all must take part
    In choosing Saint Peter's successor, through prayer.
    For Christ promised His Church: The gates of hell will not prevail.
