Saturday 9 February 2013

Hunting Season Resumes...

2011 08 23_0008It seems as if the recent lull in wildlife being brought in to the house may have come to an end...

The snow seemed to have discouraged the kitties from going hunting. It is understandable: the snow was deeper than the kitties are tall. Why get cold and wet when you don't have to?

I was getting ready to go out for tea with Leutgeb this afternoon when a sudden bang of the catflap and a squawk stopped me in my tracks. Miaowrini had her mouth full of pigeon, and was endeavoring to carry her catch through to the sitting room. At first I thought the bird was dead, and would have cleaned up the mess on my return, but another squawk suggested the bird was still alive.

Out came the towel - it calms the bird, which goes quite still when everything goes "dark," and the cat gets confused. I carried the bird to the window and opened the towel. The bird didn't move, and I feared it was so wounded I'd have to wring its neck. However, on throwing it upwards (I'm on the ground floor, I hasten to add), the bird fluttered its wings a bit, landed safely and ran off under a parked car.

As I left five minutes later, I looked for the pigeon, but it had gone - presumably it had got over its shock and flown away.

Miaowrini is still sulking...

1 comment:

  1. Mac.

    I'm not sure, but I THINK I saw a
    sudden flash across my kitchen floor, which MAY
    have been a small rodent.

    Do you ever hire out your feline assassins ?
