Sunday 17 February 2013

Explain This One To Me...

If, as some of the mainstream media would have us believe, Pope Benedict XVI was sooooo very unpopular, and he failed to make the Church relevant by embracing changing attitudes, then how is it that more than 150,000 people turned up for what is, effectively, nothing more than a short talk on a Sunday lunchtime...?

Photo from L'Osservatore Romano
Just for a comparison, 62,000 people attended the opening ceremony at the London Olympics in July last year...


  1. It's amazing how 150k people can hide in plain sight.

    The mainstream media represent our blindness to the ways of God. Thankfully, we can listen to the word of God and go to confession to have the scales removed from our eyes. The media - not so much. They are stuck in their sins.

  2. Yeah, the media here in N.A were reporting 50,000 people showing up. Where did the other 2/3 go?
