Saturday 1 December 2012

Ten Years On...

2012-12-01 11.06.53Today I celebrated the tenth anniversary of my vows. I usually arrange to renew my vows on the first Saturday in December, as this coincides with the monthly Missa Cantata at Blackfen, making it a handy time to have a bit of a get-together afterwards. This year the first Saturday fell on 1st December, which is the actual anniversary, which was rather pleasing.

My good friend @fitzrufus who also blogs at Vox in Rama Audita Est came all the way over from the Netherlands, and she stayed with me overnight (this seemed to be the best way to ensure that we actually had time to talk, as I knew that today would be far too hectic!)

@Londiniensis, who occasionally comments on blogs, but now concentrates more on Twitter instead, also made it down to Blackfen for the day. Gem of the Ocean (who tweets as well) also came along, and the mighty Zephyrinus was MC. Tom was there to help with the singing, and his children joined in at the last Salve Regina of the year with gusto. Their mother gleefully informed us that they've been practicing the Alma Redemptoris Mater all week. Father Tim Finigan was there, of course, and with me that made it a six-blogger occasion... (Eight if you include Londiniensis and Delia (another commenter, who sadly couldn't stay for the party.)

Father Whinder, an old friend (as he so ungallantly reminded me), was once the most blogged-about non-blogging guest of English Catholic blogs, and he journeyed over from Mortlake to help me celebrate. The ubiquitous non-blogging priest from Chislehurst was absent, but we snaffled some of his parishioners, one of whom was happy to serve on the sanctuary...

2012-12-01 11.08.32
Chislehurst's torchbearer on the right...

The Guild of St. Martha took care of the catering, and provided a rather scrumptious spread after the ceremony, and Danika from the parish club made sure that spiritual sustenance was available for those of us who fancied something stronger than tea. (I was a little disconcerted when I recalled that I used to teach Danika Science and RE...)

It really was a very special day, and I'd like to thank everyone who helped me celebrate!


  1. Prayers, and many congratulations.

  2. Anonymous8:00 pm

    Bravo, Sister Fortis!

  3. Congratulations! May you always be faithful and may God bless you abundantly.

    I sympathise over the age thing: a little girl I taught to play the piano when she was in primary school is now a doctor. (That's probably more worrying for her patients than it is for me, actually.)

  4. Delighted, Mac, to be able to attend.

    Many congratulations on your special day.

  5. God Bless, thy good and faithful servant.

  6. You are an exemplary witness. Congratulations on 10 years.

  7. Thanks everyone... Nic, you make me blush!
