Thursday 15 November 2012

Wonderful News...!

I am completely bowled over! Due to the generosity of one of my readers, I have been able to get a new computer!

I opted for an Acer laptop, as I thought it would be more versatile. I bought it this evening but couldn't play with it immediately as Rosary & Benediction was on this evening... and I wanted to say a prayer or two in thanksgiving. I am still getting to grips with Windows 8 (grrrr) but need to get to bed, as I have school in the morning.

So, blogging will resume very shortly. Watch this space!


  1. The Lord provides, and not only for the ravens and lilies; and He can not be outdone in generosity. I have been reading your blog with interest and I am happy to hear that you will be able to start blogging again!

  2. Anonymous8:36 am

    Dat's great news, sister. I told you to expect a miracle :-)

  3. Great news, divine providence or what?!

  4. There's been a yawning gap in the blogosphere lately. Glad you're back.

  5. I think this provides a definitive answer as to whether or not you should be blogging!!

  6. Fantastic news. An answer to the prayers of many I believe. Thanks be God, and to that reader for his or her generosity.


  7. glad and relieved for you

    I am back in the blogging world as well

    but, I need a place to live so pray for me please

  8. Oh, Happy Days !!!

    Well done your benefactor.

    He didn't have six wings on his back, did he ?


    What do the Kitties think of the new laptop machine ?

    They can't lounge around at the top of the new laptop,
    as they did with your previous Desktop Computer.

    Will they sulk ?

  9. Welcome back.

    It's good to see examples of practical Christian Charity in action like this.
