Saturday 17 November 2012

Red Hat Arrives From Rome...

Last Sunday, Cardinal Furretti's red hat arrived from Rome, courtesy of Annie Elizabeth and family who acted as couriers.

Annie and her family were in Rome for the FIUV pilgrimage Mass at St. Peter's in thanksgiving for Summorum Pontificum. You can read her excellent summary of the pilgrimage procession and Mass, along with some stunning photographs over on her blog. There are also two very amusing (and impressive) video clips of her youngest child singing the Salve Regina and the Regina Caeli (yes, I know it's the wrong season, but he's only three!!) from the roof of St. Peter's.

I tried to photograph Furretti with the hat on, but she was so ecstatic at its arrival that she wouldn't let go...

2012-11-11 14.38.07

1 comment:

  1. Mac.

    The photo of Cardinal Furretti,
    wearing her Red Hat, has got to be the photo of the year.

    And the funniest.

    The expression says it all.
