Sunday 25 November 2012

Preparing For Advent...

The traditional liturgical calendar gives us the season of Septuagesima in which to prepare for the rigours of Lent. It allows us some valuable "thinking time" - Ash Wednesday can catch us unawares if Easter is early.

Unfortunately, there is no corresponding season in which to prepare for Advent.

With the secular emphasis on Christmas (sorry, the "Festive" season), the round of present-shopping, parties and such-like, Advent can get lost. And yet it is a season in its own right. We are preparing for the coming of Christ - a remembrance of his first visit and an anticipation of the second!

There's a week to go before it starts. So take the time to decide what you are going to do to celebrate Advent.


  1. I was just thinking about Advent preparations too. More practical than spiritual though I'm afraid . . . like, where did I put last year's candles? Must check and see if I need to buy new or if any can be 'recycled'

  2. What an excellent Post, Mac.

    Many thanks for this most thoughtful,
    incisive and relevant prompt.

    I've now started re-reading Abbot Gueranger's
    "The Liturgical Year", to ensure that my
    Advent preparations are "up to speed".

  3. I've been thinking of Advent preparation as well. I wrote a post today about Advent being the start of the Church's new year and therefore a perfect time to clean our homes and our souls.
