Monday 19 November 2012

A New Blog To Read...

While I was checking out my stats and finding out where my readers are coming from, I discovered a new blog. Further investigation revealed that Recusancy is written by a young woman who has a love for the Church and the Holy Father, and a hatred of bad hymns. She also writes some seriously good stuff, particularly on healthcare.

Pop on over and explore for yourself - she's only been blogging since August, but she's already in the Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma. Leave a comment or two and welcome her to the Catholic Blogosphere!


  1. Thanks for this - she has written some interesting stuff.

    I have included a brief post and link on my own blog.

  2. Talk about "a compliment to treasure"! Thank you :-)

    I also write for the English language version of which I go on about whenever I get the chance because I believe it is a lot more important than my efforts at Recusancy.
