Tuesday 2 October 2012

Open Season...

I had high hopes that the Monsignori were getting tired of me rescuing their prey and throwing it out of the bedroom window (before you protest, I'm on the ground floor and there is a large patch of grass outside the window, and the kitties can't get to it very quickly from inside the flat!) There hadn't been any presents for ages.

The cats just about tolerate each other. When it gets very cold, they cease hostilities and both curl up on the duvet. The rest of the time they put up with each other - sulking if I appear to give the other a bit more attention.

However, it seems as though they are happy to cooperate when there is fun to be had...

Miaowrini came in with a mouse. I realised she had a mouse because Furretti immediately woke from her position at the end of the bed (where she had been deaf to all my blandishments, apparently fast asleep) and shot into the hall to see what was up. The two cats proceeded to play... well, cat-and-mouse !

Yesterday I came home to find a large pigeon by my armchair. Thankfully it was dead. I didn't clear it up immediately, as I had to go and powder my nose. When I did go back, I found that the bird had been dragged to a more prominent position... and both cats were waiting for my response...


  1. On a walk past the bottom of a garden this morning .... awful cacophany of a crow and half a dozen magpies ... and a gathering of one or two more magpies .... all the magpies in the branches of one tree, the crow in the next tree .... and I mean an awful cacophany ... The target of all this attention from the creatures to which St Francis famously preached? A cat poised on a branch of the first tree, caught in the act of trying to pounce ...

  2. My brother's cat is always bringing mice in (dead ones). She puts them in her food bowl. They aren't presents: they're all hers.

  3. Yes, it is killing season on the west side of the pond as well. Both my cats, an 8-year-old female and a 1-year-old male who also barely tolerate each other, are great hunters. Last Monday, the male got hold of a chipmunk. Yesterday morning, a dead mouse was found on the walkway along the house, and, in the evening, the female was seen in the backyard pouncing on another mouse, to the great interest of the male peering out the back door.
    Anyway, my male moves his stuffed toy rabbit next to his food bowl when he is hungry; we've learned to read this practice as a hint.
    I love the blog, especially the cat stories, which are something you can't get on Father Z, Rorate, et al.

  4. cat-and mouse! i love it............

  5. I've just rescued another mouse. I took it from Monsignor Miaowrini's mouth... and she actually growled at me.

    Oh well... I guess I'm in the doghouse!
