Monday 27 August 2012

How Not To Do A Picture Restoration...

This lunchtime, after Mass, His Hermeneuticalness was showing some young parishioners images of the restored fresco which hit the news a few days ago. Jacinta remarked that it reminded her of the Mr. Bean sketch... and then, on seeing all our blank faces, she apologised for being "too young."

I hadn't seen the sketch, but thought I would probably find it on YouTube. Sure enough...


  1. Very funny. Apparently, the internet has gone viral with copycat restorers having a go at some of the world's masterpieces.
    The makeover of Leonardo's Last Supper cracked me up.

  2. If the holy father wants the Sistine Chapel redecorated in time for the next consistory I've a few spare cans of Dulux Vymura and non-drip gloss!
