Friday 24 August 2012

Cathedral Challenge Meme...

I have decided to start another meme. This one has a slight twist, but it should be fun to see the results.

It's a photo challenge, so, if you are a blogger, you have to give a link in my com-box so that I can collate the results. If you don't have your own blog, you have to load the photo to Flickr or Twitter or something.

The challenge is to find any Cathedrals which don't sell The Pill (aka The Tablet.)

The idea is that you pop along to your diocesan Cathedral, and, if The Pill is on sale, you put up a photo which shows a recent copy in an identifiable Cathedral interior. If The Pill is not on sale, you prove it by showing a photo of the papers which *are* on sale in a recognisable shot of the Cathedral interior... You then state when the photo was taken and where.

There aren't any tags as such, because it isn't always clear which dioceses bloggers (or commenters) are in.

Obviously this doesn't really apply to dioceses outside the UK. Photoshopped entries are definitely not allowed...

To start us off, here is Westminster Cathedral, with The Pill very much in evidence, on Wednesday 15 August 2012...

2012-08-15 15.49.42

Spread the word. Get those photos coming in...

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately it's a 2h30 drive to my cathedral and I don't have a car, so I can't exactly pop in. But given that not so long ago they carried a "relic" of Oscar Romero in procession at the funeral of the late bishop, I would put good money on the presence of that publication. But no, I don't have any evidence. (They don't sell it in my parish...they do have free back issues to take away :-S )
