Friday 29 June 2012

Emotional Rollercoaster...

Monsignor Miaowrini is obviously going through the feline equivalent of the teenage years. She hadn't been home in three nights, and the catfood looked as if it was only being eaten by one cat - Furretti. By this morning, I was frantic with worry. My next-door neighbour was out this morning, and so I couldn't check with her until midday. Yes, she said, Miaowrini was around on Thursday.

That calmed me down, but when I got home and still couldn't see any sign of her, I decided to wander around the neighbourhood. I felt pretty stupid calling for a cat. But, after about 20 minutes, I saw her, and she came running towards me, miaowing her head off, as if I had been the one to have abandoned her.

I grabbed her, and started to walk home. She really didn't like that, and struggled quite violently to get away - I assume it was being taken round by the roads rather than through the gardens that freaked her out. Nevertheless, when I got her home, I took the precaution of locking the catflap until I could give her a thorough check.

She was rather thin, and wolfed down almost a whole packet of smoked salmon. Furretti had the rest of it. Miaowrini also drank over half a bowl of milk. I did consider keeping the catflap locked, but, having seen that she was ok, I decided to let her go out again.

I do feel somewhat exhausted from the emotional turmoil !


  1. Um, Msgr Miaowrini is... female?!?! No wonder she's acting up... when one's identity hinges on a denial of Catholic doctrine, bad behaviour is inevitable.

  2. She's also a cat. If you can throw out one tenet of Catholic doctrine there's no reason to keep anything else, right?

    Added to which, the rank is an honorary one... Monsignor Miaowrini is named for the Holy Father's MC, Mgr Guido Marini.

    Monsignor Furretti is also female, and is named in honor of Blessed Pius IX whose family name was Mastai-Ferretti... her brother, now sadly deceased, was Cardinal Catzinger...

  3. Teenagers! I'm glad you were able to get her in the house for a bit...

  4. I do not want to scare you but cats allowed outside live six years and cats only inside live up to 20 years, and not my statistics.

    I did not let my three cats, which I had to give to others in America, outside, but we have coyotes, wolves, foxes, and other horrible things which eat cats.

    I think you are brave, but I would keep the lady inside....

  5. My last cat, Sylvester, was allowed out once I moved to a place with a garden. He lived to 17 years - the last 10 with the freedom to go out.

    I couldn't keep Miaowrini in even if I wanted to... she has far too much fun catching pigeons!

  6. Well I think you have less cat-eating animals than we do in the States. Sometime, I shall tell you a story...but look at this and scroll down to patio view..

  7. *gulp*

    Fortunately we don't get those in London and the suburbs!!!

  8. In San Diego a *good* portion of cats are kept indoors, just because of all the coyotes. Cats are alternatively breakfast/lunch/dinner.
