Thursday 3 May 2012

Another Plug...

I'm delighted to see that Jane Mossendew of the Catholic Oasis has had a pamphlet published by the Catholic Truth Society. Called Gardening for God, it's a spiritual and practical guide to gardening.

I love the idea of a prayer garden. Unfortunately I am not good gardener material - not so much a lack of green-fingers as possession of positively black ones. It took me quite a while to realise that the red-flowered pot plant I had was losing its flowers and leaves because of the gastronomic activities of my cat, Sylvester! I have no idea how the Monsignori would react to a pot plant, but I suspect that they would view it as the latest thing in salad bars...

Although I am not a gardener, I am very happy to enjoy the fruits of other people's labours, so I would encourage all you gardening enthusiasts out there to get Jane's pamphlet...


  1. 'I have no idea how the Monsignori would react to a pot plant, '

    I'd expect they'd be higher than kites.

  2. I love gardening and have planted three fairly large ones from scratch, as it were, in my life, all based on English gardens. Great fun and hard work. My cats loved the catnip area. However, the real terror to my indoor plants was my house rabbit Sooty Little Ears, long gone go rabbit heaven, who would dig into my plants and eat the roots.

    Sigh, happy of my friends has planted an entire oval of catnip for her many cats. They literally lie in it most of the summer. Very cute....

  3. Thanks for the plug Mac.
