Sunday 15 January 2012

Illegal Activity...

It seems that I am breaking Austrian law...

...I like to tell blonde jokes, which is apparently a no-no in Austria, just in case hordes of blondes feel marginalised and resort to terrorist measures.

Matthew Archbold's view: "Just imagine an army of Miss South Carolinas plotting your demise. Just imagine the fun of what they'd come up with."

It rather reminded me of the old joke: What do you do if a blonde throws a pin at you?
Simple - run like hell, because she's holding the grenade...

Ooops. I think that makes me a repeat offender. I better hope that we don't have an extradition treaty with Austria...


  1. well technically I'm an Austrian count but titles have been made illegal so I can join your happy entourage :)

  2. What about brunette jokes? Are those outlawed? Those were popular in America several years ago, and although I am fast becoming an ex-brunette, I thought they were funny-which reminds me of the one about the rabbi, the priest and the evangelical minister....

  3. Er... we do. It's called a European Arrest Warrant [EAW]. Private Eye has investigated a lot of cases of innocents from the UK being taken overseas for trumped up charges, kangaroo courts, dodgy evidence and similar.

    I'm baking a cake for you now. What size file do you want? ;-)
