Thursday 17 November 2011

Kitty Conundrum...

I've been stuck at home this week, curled up under the duvet. I've gotten out of bed to feed the cats, and that's about it. I've mostly been asleep.

This afternoon I started to take a bit more interest in my surroundings. I heard the catflap bang, followed by a high-pitched squeak, and some scampering from two excitable kitties.

I decided to go and rescue the mouse rather than listen to it being tortured... or even to hear it escaping somewhere in the flat.

The cats heard me coming, one of them grabbed mousie and both shot back out through the catflap, presumably to continue elsewhere.

I guess that's a live mouse for the Kitty Kill Count. But my two Monsignori are certainly doing better than Larry, Number 10's (rather inefficient) Rodent Removal Operative. Three mice since February?? Is that all?? Mine have only had hunting licences since April, and even if you divide their spoils by two...

(BTW, the cats just came back with another mouse... or possibly the same one. I managed to rescue it this time...)


  1. That's hilarious! You could hear it from your bed? Must've been loud!
    When I go out every morning and night to milk the two cows, I usually bring a book. While the calves are finishing the cows off, I sit on a five gallon bucket and read.
    I can always see the mice running back and forth along the wall supports. By silently watching mice for about 15 minutes twice a day, one can really get to know a lot about how mice behave. They really aren't as skittish in my part of the country as they are perceived.

  2. Well, I do live in a small flat, and the kitty mouse-torture room seems to be the hall outside my bedroom...
