Friday 28 October 2011

Remember, Remember...

Remember, remember,
the fifth of November,
gunpowder, treason and plot...

The weekends either side of November 5th are marked by lots and lots of fireworks being let off. I don't mind the organised displays so much - it's the youngsters letting off fireworks in the streets and the back garden events which annoy me. I do, however, love the misty look and the smell resulting from all the bonfires.

I'm not sure how the cats will cope - it's their first Bonfire season. This time last year I'd only just adopted Furretti, and she was too young to go outside, and Miaowrini didn't make an appearance chez moi until 12th November.

Looking back over last year's posts to see when the kittens did actually make an appearance, I realised that Monsignor Furretti has really grown. Then...

and now...


  1. What an impressive tail she has!

  2. I occasionally wonder if she is part squirrel !!

  3. Gosh, didn't Mgr Furretti look menacing when she was younger.

    BTW, perhaps someone should organise a Requiem for Guy Fawkes and his comrades, "the only men to enter Parliament with honest intentions".

  4. Menacing???!!

    You must be easily menaced. That tiny little ball of fluff is cuteness personified: I hated having to leave her in the shop that night!
