Thursday 11 August 2011

The Human Face Of Blogging...

One of the most common criticisms of blogging I have encountered over the five years I've been running my own blog is that it discourages "real" interaction. After all, as the argument goes, you bloggers, you're all just stuck in your own rooms, looking at a screen... Get a life!

Well, this blogger would like to disagree. I've just been having tea and chocolate cake with Annie, who runs the Arundel & Brighton LMS blog. We would never have had the opportunity to chat if it wasn't for our initial contact via the blogs, despite the fact that she lives just a few streets away from my mother's house. After a morning discussing liturgy, education, counselling, Charles Dickens (don't ask) and a few other bits and pieces, I think we've pretty much succeeded in putting the world to rights... Of course, our brilliant plans for world domination might come unstuck because we can't implement them until after we have finished just one more pot of tea...

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post and most refreshing as I trust the tea was!
