Wednesday 13 July 2011

Facebook Is, Like, So Last Year...

I've been getting rather irritated with Facebook. It kept changing security default settings which was a pain. Then there was the ability of friends to sign you up to any group they liked, without your permission. Yes, it was possible to opt out, but you had to make the effort, or you'd get spammed by lots of emails from the group. More hassle. I also don't like Facebook messages. I'd much rather just get emails. Gmail is just so much nicer to use...

In an attempt to avoid the messages and spammy stuff, I changed my personal profile to a page. That meant that I could post stuff on my own wall, but I couldn't see anyone else's. Tweetdeck wouldn't access my page, so I couldn't use it to post links to my blog. And so, since I never bothered updating Facebook with every little thing I did, I've gradually stopped using it.

I do miss being able to see what people are up to. But the general buzz seems to be that Facebook is going to go the way of MySpace and its ilk... this little picture shows what I mean...

So, courtesy of Stuart, I've joined Google+. More ways to waste time on the computer. Oooh, goody!


  1. Ditto about Facebook. Only trouble is there's a good Catholic presence there. Is that why they're making it so difficult for us?!! I don't know, but I hardly use it at all now.

    At its May Blogmeet, as I think I reported at the time, the Vatican seemed to allow the 'Social Networks' more time than they deserve.

    Oh well, we fight on.

  2. Thanks for the Google + invite. Don't think there'll be much housework done for a few days whilst I'm busy playing with this new toy - oops, sorry, I mean exploring it's different functions! :-)

  3. That meant that I could post stuff on my own wall, but I couldn't see anyone else's.

    I would like to do that also. How did you do it?

  4. Anonymous7:06 pm

    So that's why I couldn't find you to tag you with pictures. I'll have to check the Google thing out. Btw, I've merged my Flickr account, so now you can see my paintings on Flickr. I'll try to post a link on my blog.

  5. Victoria - It's an option somewhere when you've signed in and are on your profile page with the wall - I think somewhere on the left under the profile picture - and it says something like "convert to page."

    It's not "create a page."

    I'm not entirely sure, because I can't access the previous version of my profile page now!
