Saturday 18 June 2011

I May Have Visitors...

The last bit of wildlife brought in by the kitties was another stag beetle, and they left it for me in the kitchen yesterday - I think it must have nipped a kitten once too often, because the half-dead beetle had been chewed, and one of its mandibles was rather mangled.

Today I think that more wildlife has been brought home. Perhaps I'm being overly paranoid, but I doubt it. I mean, does it look to you that Miaowrini just wants to pick out a good book to read...?

UPDATE: I think that the existence of visitors is almost indisputable...

UPDATE 2: Both cats are taking an interest in my bookcase now. All personal animosity and rivalry has been put aside in the face of a common enemy. And, just after taking the next photo, I saw a mouse, obviously spooked, shoot across the room. The cats are still staking out the bookcase, so, either they are very stupid cats or I have more than one mouse in the house...


  1. I had the gruesome task of shovelling up an early morning fresh kill pigeon this week. It was intact, apart from a gouge around its missing heart, and the blood had barely congealed. Even so, the paving took a bit of hosing and scrubbing down.
    Cats not guilty on this one I'd guess, but a fox or a bird of prey disturbed by me.
    Whenever I have to bury a poor creature in Boot Hill at the end of my garden I am infinitely glad of biology lessons where we blew up lungs with a cycle pump and dissected bullocks eyes and whole rabbits; a great antidote to squeamishness and a serious reminder for scrupulous handwashing.
    I confess I skipped breakfast and opted for strong coffee instead.

  2. No. I think you're wrong, Mac. They are obviously trying to choose between, either, Animal Farm or Cat On A Hot Tin Roof.

  3. Cats are not stupid - if they are paying close attention to one area it is because there is something there. When they were kittens my pair went into overdrive when a small rodent that they had brought in escaped under a piece of furniture. There was no mistake about where the poor beast was located! I've seen the future and it purrs.
