Monday 30 May 2011

And We're Off To Lourdes...

Unless the Icelandic volcanoes get frisky again, by the time this post goes up, I shall be somewhere over France. Of course, things could go horribly wrong, in which case I'm still at Heathrow...

I shall be positive. I'm in the air over France...

There are 27 of us in the group, 18 adults, and the youngest pilgrim is only 4 months old. That should keep me on my toes this year. Our flight doesn't get in to Toulouse until about 5pm local time, and then it's another 2 hours or so on the coach. By the time we arrive, it'll be time for dinner, and then a quick dash down to the torchlight procession, or what's left of it...

1 comment:

  1. You should be about an hour from Toulouse by now. Going into the garden to look skywards!

    God bless,

