Saturday 5 March 2011

Felix Fidei Defensor (Part II) ...

A few months ago, Monsignor Furretti showed her true traddie colours when she shredded a copy of The Catholic Times while leaving The Remnant unscathed.

At the time, there was more than a little speculation as to what the clever little Monsignor would make of The Suppository (aka The Bitter Pill.) I explained that, as I had a moral objection to paying for The Suppository, I would have to wait until someone donated a copy for me to use. Given that most of my friends wouldn't be seen dead with a copy in their possession, this follow-up experiment didn't look like it would be happening any time soon.

However, a priest of my acquaintance (none other than Fr. Briggs, Parish Priest of Chislehurst) discovered an abandoned copy at the back of his church: I offered to dispose of the offending item for him.

In order to make it a "fair test" (something all schoolchildren are having hammered home, ad nauseam) I realised that I had to provide a more traditional alternative, to see which one the kittens would choose to destroy. I realise that, technically, it isn't totally fair, because I now have two Monsignori rather than just the one... however, both kittens have been blessed...

Anyway, I decided to present my Monsignori with the choice between The Catholic Herald (far and away the best British Catholic Weekly, IMHO) and The Suppository.

I give you my word of honour that I didn't rig the results...

I put both papers down, and the kittens started to explore...

There was a bit of pouncing and skidding about, as the paper was quite shiny...

Then there was some exploration of the pages themselves...

I now have bits of The Bitter Pill all over my living room floor... a small price to pay, I think, for peace of mind as to my furry felines' orthodoxy...


  1. There is a mystery person in Chislehurst who occasionally leaves a copy at the back. I was there when one was discovered shortly after the Fr Mildew debacle a few months ago. Was this the same copy, or has the mystery liturgical terrorist struck again?

  2. It's a recent copy, I'm afraid... seems as though the liturgical terrorist is still active...

  3. Smart kitties and love the rug!

  4. And they appear to have had a lovely time doing it, too!

  5. I've been wondering why your kittens behave so dementedly, and finally I think I've got it: it's the carpet! Mac, change the carpet!!!! Please!!!!

  6. Kosher Kittens, indeed, Mac. Well done the discerning moggies !!! Glad The Suppository is finally good for something.

  7. I can't help thinking there is something very Franciscan in this...


  8. I don't suppose you'd be kind enough to lend us a cat? We seem to have a bit of a Suppository problem in Brighton, too. Gone are the days when the only vermin were rodents.

  9. Anonymous1:18 am

    This is hysterical. I am afraid my cat, Miho-chan, being Japanese, at least in name, would have less discernment.

    I am glad some of God's creatures have sense.

    I used to have a carpet exactly like that in Petersfield, Hants.


  10. Thanks for this, it made me laugh out loud.

    (A fellow Herald enthusiast).
