Saturday 19 February 2011

UCM Winter Warmer...

The weather today has been atrocious. Fortunately, the ladies of the parish UCM had arranged to hold a Winter Warmer lunch event this afternoon, which provided a bright spot in an otherwise wet and windy Saturday.

I don't like vegetables, so the potato and leek soup was not something I wished to eat, but I was fascinated by the use of an electronic whisk-blender thingy...

I'm afraid that I couldn't resist smirking when the blender attachment doobrey-whatsit fell in the soup and had to be fished out...

The sandwiches, homemade sausage rolls and homemade cakes were delicious... I was persuaded to buy a cake and take it home for the kittens to play with... unfortunately for the kittens, I am rather partial to chocolate sponge with fresh cream and jam filling, so it shall be mine, all mine.

Good food and good company - a very agreeable Saturday lunchtime.


  1. I suppose the good UCM members don't realise that they may have contevened copyright law, Winter Warmer being the name of a well known Young's real ale. Perhaps they did, but for your taste Mac, it would probably have gone down more suibably with the sausage rolls and sanwiches, than the veggie soup.

    God bless

  2. Looks lovely.

    I think a few of our 'ladies of the parish' would be quite envious of your parish kitchen. It makes ours look like a broom cupboard!

  3. Anonymous11:22 pm

    How can anyone fail to absolutely love creamed potato and leak soup!!! One of my favourite kinds of soup.

  4. 40 Days for Life is back. 9th March-17th April, London. We have a website, blog, twitter, and facebook. Please consider joining us if you are ever in London -we'd love to have a big group of you from Blackfen. We'd like it if you could add us to your blogroll, or even write a brief post sometime. Many thanks, 40DFL team.

  5. Dear Mulier,

    After the great blessing of the Holy Year for Priests, we are proposing a Holy Year for Nuns and we've be delighted if you could adopt the idea and promote it.

    God bless the work!
