Thursday 17 February 2011

It Has Been Two Weeks...

...I haven't posted anything about the kittens for two weeks, and I know that my two kittens have a great fan base out in the blogosphere! It has been wonderful to watch them develop.

Miaowrini (the younger of the two) is still rather skittish and clumsy, though less so than before. She hasn't fallen in either the bath or the toilet again. Furretti is far better co-ordinated, and is much more poised and elegant compared to Miaowrini.

I recently bought a replacement microwave, and, instead of getting rid of the box immediately, I thought I'd let the kittens play...

Furretti also loves playing with my pens... especially if I'm trying to use them...

...and Miaowrini is getting better at jumping on shelves...

Both kittens have discovered the kitchen surfaces - up until now these have (surprisingly) been kitten-free zones. I have had to put a large, heavy box in front of the catflap to discourage accidents - this is in the kitchen window, and they hadn't spotted it before. They are taking more of an interest in what is going on outside - sitting on the window ledge and looking out - and much excitement ensued when a neighbouring cat strolled past the window.

I shall be letting them out before too long...


  1. They are adorable!

  2. "Defend us in Battle" - sorry, I deleted your comment by mistake. Any chance you can resend it? Pretty please??


  4. It looks like they've settled in then.....

  5. They are both soooo cute! Thanks for sharing!

  6. My two are nearly 7 years old and we still call them kittens - they still love to play in discarded boxes. You say about letting them out for the first time - have you walked them outside with a lead and harness? This gives them security and they can explore their surroundings with you there for security.

  7. Anonymous1:39 pm

    I secretly suspect that the reason cats are not used to detect drugs in parcels and luggage is that they would mark every cardboard box and every bag in sight in order to turn every one of them into a toy.

  8. Once, when the late, great Rocky and his baby brother Spike were still little, I set a big, empty box down on the bathroom counter. They both jumped upon the counter and simultaneously jumped into the box. Somewhere I have a picture of the pair of them sitting together in the box, side by side. If I had wanted them to do that, they wouldn't have gone near it.

  9. 2 kittens + 1 box = hours of innocent fun!

    Always a good day when there's a Monsignori update.

  10. Our family cat came in from the rain this morning.

    Cat that sheds fur + rain + my hand = furey hand = me not pleased:)

  11. John-of-hayling - it'd be more than my life was worth to attempt to put either kitten on a lead. I will, however, be with them when they venture out for the first time. Not only that, but my next-door neighbour, who feeds them if I'm away, will be there to help me show them where the catflap is...
