Sunday 13 February 2011

Happy St. Valentine's Day...? Perhaps Not...

Girls, be warned! Fr. Z has given advertising space to the schmucks at the Bronx Zoo who think that naming a Madagascan hissing cockroach after one's beloved is a cool St. Valentine's Day gift.

To be fair, Fr. Z did warn that the hissing sound might be the vase flying towards the giver's head...

Reading his post, I can say with all honesty that I am profoundly grateful I'm not likely to get any St. Valentine's Day presents... 


  1. Actually, I would find having a madagascan hissing cockroach named after me rather sweet. You must admit they are cute. (Or maybe biology was never your thing!)

  2. Actually, biology *is* my thing - though I prefer chemistry... I did research in neuropsychopharmacology, so there!

    I just do not like cockroaches. They are not "cute". "Cute" is fluffy and cuddly, like kittens...

    Cockroaches scuttle. Not cute. And now I shall probably have nightmares...

  3. You're wrong Mac you will recieve something very special on Valentines day..... your Beloved Jesus (assuming you can make it Mass of course, and even if you can't you can always make a spiritual communion)and you can give him the best present.. your heart.
