Saturday 25 December 2010

A Merry Christmas To All My Readers...

...the three of you know who you are...

(Ok, ok... I do have a few more readers than that... though I am reaping the rewards of not posting stuff for a week, and hence numbers are a little down... Nothing a few blog links won't address! *ahem*)

Seriously, thank you for bothering to read my ramblings during the past year (even the bits about kittens), thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement (especially the bits about kittens) and be assured of my prayers and best wishes for you all on this special night.


  1. ... and all the very best to you (and the kittens).

  2. Merry Christmas, Mac - to you and the precious kitties. (I love the kitty posts)

  3. Merry Christmas, Mac! And for the record, I like the bits about kits!

  4. I wish you (and the kittens) a Blessed, Happy and Holy Christmas, Mac.
