Saturday 4 December 2010

A Lovely Day...

I had a wonderful day today. Both the deacon and subdeacon made it to Blackfen without mishap, and so we were able to celebrate a Solemn High Mass. One of the families in the parish had done stirling work the evening before, clearing paths through the snow between the main road, the church and the halls. The UCM ensured that there was plenty of hot food for the party afterwards. The inclement weather earlier in the week meant that quite a few people who had intended to be there had to cancel at the last minute; however, there were plenty of people to help me celebrate another year in my vocation...

Thanks to everyone who helped make this such a special day!


  1. Congratulations on the renewal of your vow day; The Lord bless and keep you always!
    We have snow and cold in WI,as well.
    Hope you day was filled with His Love and Peace. FrJM

  2. The privilege of being there to celebrate with you was all ours, Mac : and for myself, and all those who shared that privilege, I express my gratutude.
    Ad Multos Annos.

  3. Congratulations, Mac! May Our Lord and His Mother bless and keep you always!!


  4. Happy anniversary. I hope you have a good year ahead.

  5. Congrats on making it through the icebergs. Prayers offered.

  6. Dear Mac, congratulations! So glad it was such a beautiful day for you. I wanted to be there, but on Friday night I was 'handed over' a job that a colleague couldn't do, on a stall at a Christmas Fair on Saturday. It was booked and paid for, and a 'gift horse' for me as I am on Jury service through till Christmas :( so I haven't much 'business time' till that's over with.
    It was a First Saturday too, so I'm sorry on both counts that I wasn't able to be there.
    Maybe next year....
    God bless you and protect you throughout the year ahead.

  7. Congratulations on the 8th happy aniversary of your vows

  8. So glad everything went wall and that you had a lovely day. Prayers offered for you here in St. Romain.

    Ad multos annos!


  9. Thought you might like this:

  10. Thanks Paticius, but I've already posted that one twice (though without the cat photos) here and here...
