Sunday 26 December 2010

Liturgical Orientation...

Even in the Ordinary Form of the Mass, having the priest praying in the same direction as the rest of the congregation, IMHO, adds so much.

It struck me yesterday, as Fr. Finigan turned towards the congregation with the Host, saying "Behold the Lamb of God..." and it was as if Our Lord had been hidden from sight (apart from the Elevations) until that moment. You just don't get that same sense when the priest is versus populum for the Canon...

Just thought I'd share...


  1. Anonymous11:40 pm

    Agreed. And the girl altar server adds a nice Novus Ordo touch ;-)
    Happy feat day MF.

  2. I also prefer it when the priest and congregation are facing in the same direction. It makes me feel we are engaged in the same activity.

  3. I think ad orientem is hugely important. It does so much to focus not only to Whom the Mass is directed, and the solemnity of the moment, but also the power and dignity of the priest, who has been specially consecrated and set aside to perform the Sacrifice. It seems to me the damage done by versus populum has been incalculable.
