Sunday 19 December 2010

Gaudete Sunday...

Yes, I realise that I'm a week late with the photos from Gaudete Sunday, but I've been busy playing with the kittens. It is extraordinarily difficult to concentrate on uploading photos and stuff when two kittens are trying to chomp on one's toes. I look as if I'm self-harming... my arms are positively covered in scratchmarks! Nothing vicious or deliberate - the kittens are just learning the finer points of how to retract their claws...

Anyway, once again, the rose High Mass set made an appearance. After all, it seems a shame not to use it! We had Deacon John Harrison and Fr. McNally to assist Fr. Tim Finigan with the Mass...

It looked as if the UCM had been busy with an embroidery needle or two, embellishing the humeral veil...

I thought I'd show a few of the other photos...


  1. Oooh, so naughty of you on that second photograph, especially as it was thanks to them (ho, ho) that you have the vestments ...

  2. That.Is.Very.Mischievous. And for your penance keep taking the tablets.
