Monday 29 November 2010

Now THAT Is How To Welcome A Cardinal...!

I remember getting terribly excited a while back, when, visiting Westminster Cathedral for a Pontifical High Mass, I spotted a snazzy car with a Papal flag.

However, I think that this demonstrates more impressive transport for cardinals... I guess that Sri Lankan Catholics like to make it clear where they're coming from...

Twitch of the mantilla to the New Liturgical Movement.


  1. I couldn't believe this when I saw it! It's brilliant. Haha!

    More photos on the Archdiocesan website:

    And I have a few captions on my blog:

    Blessed Advent!

  2. Great stuff!

    Is an equivalent version availble in black, with a biretta? That would be something to send to meet visiting clergy at Blackfen!


  3. You wouldn't drive it through Govan, though...
