Friday 19 November 2010

Normal Service Recommencing...

Yes, I have had rather a lot of cat posts of late. However, as even His Hermeneuticalness has admitted, cats have featured rather prominently in my life over the past few weeks, so it is hardly surprising that I have written plenty about my feline friends.

Now, however, I shall endeavour to restrict the kitty-stuff. This is, after all, meant to be a Catholic blog, not a cat-o-holic blog. Sorry, Genty.

One major exception to this rule will be a re-run of the feline orthodoxy test for Catholic publications - the im-purr-matur - this time between the Catholic Herald and The Suppository.

I don't know when I'll be able to run the test, though, as I refuse, as a matter of principle, to purchase a copy of the latter publication, and will therefore have to wait for someone to donate one. I don't actually know any friends who read a print copy, so it might be a long wait...


  1. O Lars Pawsena! Why shouldn't you try to juggle two blogs, a day job, a night nursery job, an official church photographer job, a view-from-the-pews job? Was just askin'.
    Fair dos, Mac. I shouldn't want your penetrating comments re the state of health of Mother Church in E&W to be diluted by blog overload. Amen.
    PS I suppose you could always print out pages of the publication in question, although they mightn't have the quality (sic) of shredability.

  2. Couldn't you take them on a day trip to Westminster Cathedral . . ?

  3. For the record, I LIKE the cat posts. I look forward to the announcement of the new arrival's name.
