Saturday 20 November 2010

A New Catholic Blog To Check...

I attended the Confirmations at St. James' Church, Spanish Place earlier today (I promise to post something later.)

As I left the hall, I bumped into a woman who had spotted me taking photos, and, putting two and two together, decided that I must be "that Mulier Fortis."

Most gratifying!

Anyway, Moira happened to mention that she was starting her own blog, while claiming that it wasn't worth reading yet, because it was just a bit of a rant... Au contraire - having checked it out for myself, I think it shows great promise... and anyway, my own blog started because I wanted to rant about inclusive language. There is nothing wrong with a good rant.

Have a look for yourself - Moira's blog is called On a Wing and a Prayer... and tell her I sent you!

Oh, and congratulations to one of her sons, who was confirmed earlier.


  1. Yes, congrats to Moira's son, and all the others who were confirmed.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog, I must have been so caught up in prayer that I didn't notice the other people at the Mass afterwards!

    I saw someone taking photos, too...If I'd have known it was you, I'd have stopped to say hello! I guess you were the person to my right who was reciting the Apostles' Creed along with the confirmandi?

    Next time I'll say hello and a thank you for your blog!

    God bless.

  2. Oooops... I missed the "Confirmandi" bit... I didn't have an order of service, and I didn't think I was saying it that loudly...


    You can take me anywhere twice... once to go, and once to apologise...

  3. One step forward, two steps back, if the programme for this National Youth Sunday is anything to go by.

    According to the advice on the NYS website, endorsed by the Bishops' Conference, the President (I kid you not)- should give some wittering preamble before everybody traces a cross on each other's foreheads.

    And for the music:

    Celtic Alleluia (Fintan O’Carroll, Christopher Walker)

    Halle, Halle, Halle (Traditional Caribbean)

    Listen now for the Gospel (Traditional Zimbabwe)

    Praise to the Lord, alleluia (Mike Stanley)

    Alleluia, Jesus is the Lord (Tony Ryce-Kelly, Ronan Johnston)

    Eucharistic Acclamations

    Choose acclamations that are well known to the congregation if possible.

    Some suggestions are:

    Celtic Liturgy (Christopher Walker)

    Gathering Mass (Paul Inwood)

    Eucharistic Acclamations / Mass of Hope (Bernadette Farrell)

    Mass of Creation (Marty Haugen)

    Did they not see the Pope's shining example of liturgical probity on his recent visit? They learn nothing and forget everything.

  4. Genty, did you mean to burst my bubble? I had a lovely day at Spanish Place...

    I feel slightly sick reading that little lot. Does it count as liturgical pornography?

  5. In answer to your last Q, yes, it probably does. I took your word about having a good rant but, honest, I didn't mean to burst your bubble.
    Spanish Place is such a beautiful church. When I lived in London I used to go there for the New Year's Day EF.
    I think I've got the right man, but I believe it was Fr Colven who was at the Cathedral for a time after he came over to Rome and afterwards did his time in the wilds of Hackney.
    If he is the exemplar of our new Ordinariate brethren we shall have treasures indeed.
    So reasons to be cheerful? Yes, indeed.

  6. LOL - don't worry most people were doing the same! I was just about to do the same thing when I noticed the order of service!

    By the way, having just read your post on the Confirmation service and Mass, I agree about St James's being a bit dark - though it is very Catholic! A fast for the senses!

  7. "feast" - not "fast"! LOL.
