Sunday 14 November 2010

Kitty Capers...

I'm still unable to name my new arrival - T.S. Eliot really did have a point - and, checking the com-box of my previous post, I see a few possibilities...

Monsignor Guido Miaowrini
Cardinal Miaowro Piacenza
Sister Cat E Chism (or Kitty Chism)
Cardinale Miaowrini Timorous (or Miaowrini Timorpus)
Sister Carmel
Mother Angeliclaw
Mother Catbrini
Mother Priorpuss
Mother Superipaw
Sister Cat
Cardinal Pawtoghese
Cardinal Grotti

Several people have commented favourably on Monsignor Miaowrini, but I'm not sure it suits her. I shall wait to see if I get a few more suggestions.

By the way, it appears that she is a keen mouser...


  1. Lovely pic, Mac, of the new arrival "playing" at mouse catching {very droll, very droll}. Some interesting names cropping up, reference the new addition's nomenclature. Have you considered putting up Voting Buttons to give your Readers the opportunity to vote ? You would have the final word, of course, in the naming, but the voting would give you a good guide as to popular appeal. Just a thought. Do like the pic, though.

  2. No, I don't think there's any point in a poll unless I'm prepared to go along with the result. I'm really just asking for suggestions...

  3. Anonymous12:37 am

    T.S. Eliot: hmmmm...

    the Old (Klaws) Gamber(y) Cat springs to mind.

    Not as a name, I hasten to add!!!

    All right, I'll go quietly, officer.

  4. Anonymous4:04 am


    [From Wikipedia: In late medieval Western music, a clausula (Latin "clause"; plural clausulae) was a newly composed polyphonic section for two or more voices sung in discant style ("note against note") over a cantus firmus.]

    Two squalling kittens... and you as the cantus firmus...?


    OK, I really am moving on this time officer...

  5. Oh Mac I wish my family's cat was as well behaved as yours around the computer !! Mini (If I had my way she'd be called Maria Therese) jumps up and walks all over the keyboard; not helpful when you're writing Essays.

  6. Anonymous6:22 pm

    I love either Mother Catbrini or Mother Priorpuss. Thanks for keeping me updated on the two new kitties. I love reading about them.

    Also, thanks for pointing me to Eliot's poem. I have not read that one before.

  7. Sister Joan Kitty-ster! I know, I know, the real Sr. Joan is pretty awful (I'm being polite), but that name suggestion is great, yes?

  8. That is an adorable pic. Made me laugh out loud!

  9. Even though I'm really not a cat person, I have to say, your new arrival, the nameless one, is really very photogenic! Super photo!
