Thursday 4 November 2010

Flash Mob At Macy's...

I posted before on the Flash Mob (I think that's the expression) that sang for passengers at Heathrow's Terminal 5 (as a commercial for T-mobile.) It must be quite something to get caught up in an event like this... I never seem to encounter this stuff.

In a similar vein, the inimitable Fr. Z posted a Random Act of Culture performed by the Opera Company of Philadelphia at Macy's Department Store...

Great though it was, I'm afraid that the Hallelujah Chorus has never quite been the same for me ever since I saw this version...


  1. Hhmmm . . . I've never quite recovered from hearing it sung at the end of the Mass of Easter Day . . . outside Notre Dame in Paris !

  2. What a wonderful idea. My husband got an email from his brother in Hungary where the cast from the operetta in Budapest went into the local market and did the same thing.(Not the Messiah but a song from one of the operettas) Let's hope the idea catches on, let's have more.
