Sunday 10 October 2010

Rosary Tales...

Dominic Mary has a photo of his beautiful rosary on his blog, along with the story behind it. Do go and check it out, and leave your own rosary tales in the com-box.

Rosary Sunday_0055I haven't any rosary tales about this one (on the right), which is my current rosary - current in that it is always in my jacket pocket. I like it because the connecting "medal" is a small vial with Lourdes water in it, and each of the beads is a little rose.

I do believe in handing rosaries on to people who seem to need them, so I never get to keep them for very long...

1 comment:

  1. How kind of you, Mac : in fact the rosary I posted about is the one I was using last Thursday, as I obviously always use it on that Feast.
    I do like yours - again, rose-shaped beads : a nice touch, I think. (And a much nicer photo than mine, as well !)
    Thank you for your support.
