Thursday 7 October 2010

Anna & The King...

...oh, ok... actually it was even better than that - Anna Arco got to meet the Holy Father.

I am soooooooo jealous.

At the Herald's pre-Papal Visit party, I jokingly said to Anna that when she went for the Conference, she should take me along as her official photographer, and then, while she hob-nobbed with the Holy Father, I would occupy myself by chatting to Mgr. Ganswein...

She didn't keep to her side of the bargain... *sniff*

...probably because she didn't actually expect to meet Pope Benedict. She did remember to pack the little black frock, but had a bit of a panic because she didn't have a mantilla handy - fortunately a friend came to her rescue!

Anna actually spoke to the Holy Father, and (this is where her professionalism kicked in... I'd have been gibbering quietly!) she told the Holy Father how much hope and joy his visit had brought to people in the UK.

And you can read Anna's own excellent talk at the Conference...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Lucky girl! I would have said, "Oh, and thanks for giving us back the Latin Mass!"
