Saturday 4 September 2010

Positively Inspired...

If I were ever to get a dog, I'd have to name him "Anathema" just for the pleasure of getting to utter the phrase Anathema, sit...!

His Hermeneuticalness told me that, as there is no such thing as a new heresy, just the old ones resurrected every few centuries or so, we ought to start a twitter hashtag to go along with #FollowFriday - namely, Anathema Saturday.

In one of my more inspired moments, I riposted that it ought, by rights, to be #AnathemaSiturday...

Yes, yours truly, blonde though I am, was able to bask in the pleasure of having demonstrated a moment of pure, unadulterated genius.

Given the nonsense that some of the crackpots on Catholic Voices for Reform are likely to be spouting, it might be a good idea to get a few of those anathemas out into the open... you know, like the one that condemns anyone who says that Christ never ordained the Apostles as priests...

Mind you, most of them find the new media a little difficult to understand, so they might not know what Twitter actually is...


  1. Ha! I like "#AnathemaSiturday!" It beats the heck out of what passes for wit on the priestesses' site ("dubious dubium"), proving once again that when it comes to Catholics and humor, only the orthodox ones can be funny on purpose.

  2. Donno, we had them in the C of E too, most of them were bishops (some men, some old ladies) and they'd been twittering for ages *sigh*
