Tuesday 28 September 2010

Fond Memories...

Today, after hearing the news about Sylvester, I happened to walk past a KFC, and I nearly went in and bought a portion of chicken, until I realised that I had no-one to share it with

Sylvester and I had this little arrangement.

I love the skin on KFC but I'm not too keen on the actual chicken. It's ok, but a little bit tasteless. I'm not sure what Sylvester thought about the spices on the skin as I never gave him the option, but he certainly loved the chicken. If I brought a KFC takeaway into the flat, he'd be right there at my feet, begging for a bit of the chicken.

Bittersweet memories...


  1. Very sad when a beloved pet dies. My sympathies are with you. I had a tricky time trying to explain to the boys what happens to dogs when they die.

    One Orthodox priest has a view here: All dogs go to heaven.

    But what about the bad dogs?

    RIP Sylvester

  2. O Mac, I am sorry, I shall miss hearing about here, he was so much part of your life. My prayers for you.

  3. What a beautiful cat he was. We had a cat called Sylvester too - a huge black and white boy. They leave a gap behind them, don't they? But also, somehow stay nestled in your heart. And I know what you mean about needing somebody to eat the actual chicken from KFC because I only ever want the skin too!

  4. That's very sad, Mac :(
    I still miss our old dog terribly. Our arrangement was with the parmesan cheese, we got the cheese, he loved gnawing the rind. Prayers.

  5. Mac,

    Very sad news, my sympathies.

    If your animal likings extend to stick insects and you would like some to look after to help you with the grief process for Sylvester do let me know (I am overrun with baby sticks at the moment) and you would be most welcome to some.

  6. Sympathies...and a mention in the Rosary tonight, of course.

  7. So sorry...it's a real sadness to lose a beloved pet. We had a kitty that looked just like Sylvester; Meg was her name...she had several litters of kittens that kept us supplied with superb "micers" and pets for years.
    Bless you, dear!

  8. A priest told us once what his father had said when he was a child and his dog died and he asked his father would he see his dog in heaven. His father said "If you need.....(doggie's name) in heaven to be happy, God will make sure that he's there. I think that's the best answer possible. Will there be cats and dogs in heaven? Cats for sure....dogs I'm not sure about!

  9. Sorry about your cat. I am priest, and have one too. Although mine it's white and that makes the life of a priest who dresses in black much more difficult!

  10. So sorry to hear about Sylvester, Mac.

  11. Anonymous1:03 pm

    With my wee kitty, it's prawns. Of course, Vetlepus likes the exact same part of the prawn that we do (my experience is that very few creatures prefer the shell part), so that makes for a more problematic arrangement. She is usually such a quiet and patient wee thing, but when she discovers there's prawns on the go, she loses most of her otherwise impeccable table manners. When we were trying to be very strict with her diet (wee Vetlepus is in some ways not so wee), we had to put her in another room before we brought the prawns out, or else wait till she was outside. It was too cruel to eat them when she was around without giving her some. Not to mention too taxing.

  12. God Bless, Mac. God Bless, Sylvester.
