Wednesday 1 September 2010

A Blogger In Need Of Prayers...

Just for once, it isn't me.... apart from the fact that all of us are in need of prayers all the time, that is.

But this evening, as I was checking through my SiteMeter stats, I discovered a blog I hadn't seen before. Quam Angusta Porta is written by Malvenu, a married man who is struggling with his faith. He believes that the Truth is to be found in the Catholic Church, but cannot quite bring himself to cross the Tiber for family reasons.

Please spare a few prayers for him, that he can see the way forward and come home.


  1. Thanks for mentioning this, Mac : it appears that he already reads both of us, and many others better than me.
    I've left him a message of support, and will of course have him in my prayers . . . as I trust will many of our readers.

  2. Oh, absolutely. Thanks for the notice.

  3. Anonymous12:11 pm

