Monday 16 August 2010

Summer Holiday...

Well, I'm off to Eastbourne for a few days, dogsitting on behalf of my parents. Yorkshire terriers are not my favourite breed. Luckily I shall have Jess the six-toed cat to keep me from going totally insane. Fear not, Sylvester will be well looked-after in my absence, though I shall probably get into severe trouble when I get back.

I don't know what internet access I will have (if any) while I'm away, so posting may be sporadic (no change there, then!) but I shall take my camera and do my best to capture a little of my surroundings.

Knowing my luck, it will rain constantly. I think we had Summer early - like May and June - and now we're well into Autumn. Oh, no... sorry, that was last week. So it's back to winter again.

I spotted the following picture on the I Has A Hotdog site (the "Goggie" companion to the I Can Has Cheezburger? site), and it just sums up the relationship between Max (the younger, and darker, of the two yorkies) and Jess (the cat) that I had to post it.

Enjoy !

1 comment:

  1. Just love that top picture. Hope you have a nice break.
