Tuesday 3 August 2010

Oooooh... Time For A Video!

Leutgeb of Bara Brith fame thinks that it's a real shame that this video has had less than 3000 hits, and wants it to go much higher. The computer I've found at the school doesn't have speakers (and the earphones I have for my iPhone don't seem to work on it) so I have absolutely no idea what the soundtrack is... I shall find out on Friday.

In the meantime, though, I shall do my bit to raise the hit rate on the video...

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny. The young chap who did this is a friend of ours ( I put his photo up on my blog along with the video when it was put up on youtube) and he was having dinner with us last night. We watched the video again and I was thinking the same thing.
    Thank you for highlighting this!
