Friday 13 August 2010

Losing My Marbles...

The damp weather is making my knee ache quite a bit, so, after I arrived back home this afternoon, I thought I might have a little lie down.

As I hobbled into my darkened bedroom (opening the curtains in the morning is just one thing I've left off my list of priorities right now) I saw that Sylvester was curled up asleep on the bed.

I sat down carefully near him, careful not to jolt him awake, and spoke soothingly so he wouldn't be startled out of his nap.

I then realised that it wasn't the cat, but I was saying sweet nothings to my crumpled up black t-shirt...

I don't know which is worse, having such bad eyesight so as to mistake the t-shirt for the cat, or taking such pains not to disturb the cat when he's having a nap...

Oh, and before you think I've really lost the plot, the photo is of Sylvester on another napping occasion...


  1. LOL.
    Thanks for the chuckle this morning.
    ...the things we do for our animals!

  2. But of course you take pains . . . our animals are important, and deserve care. It's only wrong when animals deserve so much care that there's none left over for humans !

  3. Ever noticed, though, how our cats DON'T take care not to disturb US? On Saturday mornings, when I don't have to get up early, Spike the Pussel-Face jumps into bed with me and then, when he decides I've slept enough, takes it up on himself to wake me up. And as for his late brother, Rocky the Striper-Puss (so surnamed for his stripey fur jammies), every time I got out a book in bed he'd come and drape himself across it.

    (See, maybe there's one thing worse than over-accommodating sleeping cats: giving them goofy nicknames!)

  4. If that's losing your marbles then mine rolled off a long time ago. I like medium sized black handbags with shoulder straps and one of those abandoned on a chair or sofa in the half-light with its 'tail' dangling looks exactly like something one would say, "puss... puss... puss... aren't you the bonny one?" to and I frequently do. This has been going on for decades and I never, ever learn :)

  5. Anonymous12:06 pm

    Ginger cats are harder to mistake. Though my housemate's ginger cat in Belfast had a toy that was almost exactly the same colour and was not infrequently mistaken for wee puss.

  6. It wouldn't surprise me if the cat had set the whole t-shirt effect up himself. They do that sort of thing to us, to make examples of us, to themselves.......

  7. HI Mac, I've just caught up with your bog after a summer holdays out of the loop, and was sorry to rea about your knee injury. Praying that it is fixed soon!
    Wrt mistaking your t-shirt for a cat, that's just the sort of thing I'd do. I need new glasses, my eyesight is terrible :lol:
    God's blessings to you today, Autumn x
