Friday 20 August 2010

Home, Sweet Home...

I am now back home again after my brief visit to Eastbourne.

I didn't sleep well during my stay. This is not totally my own fault...

At home, I sleep in a double bed. At my parents' place, it's back to sleeping in a single. Normally this isn't too much of a problem. This time, however, I had my leg in a brace (to help stabilise the knee joint at night.) The brace is a huge, hinged, plastic-metal-foam-and-velcro affair, which leaves Tower Bridge looking under-engineered. Turning around in a double bed while wearing the brace is a major undertaking... in a single bed, I practically have to get out of the bed first...

The next bit is my own fault: I expect little in the way of sympathy. I'm just too soft-hearted... (bet you never thought you'd hear me say that!!)

On the first night my parents were gone, one of the yorkies crept into my room. I'd left the bedroom door open, because the animals normally sleep in my parents' room at night, and they were feeling unsettled because the routine had changed... I didn't have the heart to push Molly off the bed when she sidled over and squeezed between me and the wall. I should have known that this was the thin end of the wedge.

On the second night, Molly and I were joined by Jess, the cat.

Jess took up far more room than Molly, being at least twice the size, but it didn't seem fair to kick the cat out when the dog was allowed to stay... and I was missing Sylvester... and I defy anyone to resist a purring cat.

Finally, last night, Max, the smallest of the yorkies, couldn't stand my parents' absence any longer and he crept in to the room. I had to give him moral support - he gets intimidated by the cat - but he was off his food and really looked miserable. So, up onto the bed he came.

Two yorkshire terriers, one large cat and an even larger woman (with one leg in a brace) do not fit comfortably into one single bed...

Tonight, Deo gratias, I am back in my own bed. Admittedly I still have one very large, insecure and demanding moggie and the leg brace to contend with, but I'm so tired, I might not notice.

I shall upload my photos tomorrow. I need an early night!


  1. Uh...Mac...weren't your parents gone? You could have like, uh, you know...slept in their presumably larger bed...

    once more...with feeling.

  2. Well, I didn't know when we started out that this was going to be a pyjama party!

    The very first night, they were still home, and so, having started out in the smaller bed (and gotten all my stuff where I wanted it) it just never occurred to me to decamp!

    But calling me an airhead is a bit harsh...

  3. Anonymous7:29 pm

    Lol!! You should have left them all in the single bed and gone and got in the bigger one!

  4. I didn't call you an airhead! Thomas Dolby did.... =;-D
