Sunday 29 August 2010

Another Mini-Blognic & Girlie Drivers...

Another busy Sunday morning Mass at Blackfen saw the First Holy Communion of a little boy to whom I've been giving catechesis (spare a prayer, if you will, for him and his family), two Baptisms and the visit of no less than three bloggers - James and Ella Preece (Catholic and Loving It) and Dominic Mary (Libera Me).

James and Ella and their gorgeous little girls are down South on a camping holiday, which, given the weather, is rather brave of them. Friends and followers of Dominic Mary will be relieved to hear that he was looking quite chirpy after his recent admission to hospital. Hopefully he'll take things gently for a while longer...

Some motor racing event or other was being shown in the Parish Club this lunchtime, which reminded His Hermeneuticalness of an amusing sketch in the comedy show, Smack the Pony, and he regaled us with details of the "Girlie Driver" sketch. James Preece and Dominic Mary asked if he would dare to put it on his blog? Fr. Tim thought for about 30 seconds and decided that no, he wouldn't... "I think I'll leave that one for Mac to post!"

So, ever keen to oblige, here it is...

1 comment:

  1. No headrest?! That's nothing but trouble down the road. Nice parallel parking job!
