Sunday 11 July 2010

Return Of The Mac...

It feels as if I've been away for ages and ages... in fact, it's only been a week. I wanted a brief break, without feeling as if I had to find something to put up on the blog each day... however, over the past day or so, I've been feeling somewhat restless, and I realised that I really wanted to get back to the blog, despite not having anything important to say...

Leutgeb invited me over for a cup of tea and a chat, so, having tidied the sacristy after the Sunday evening Mass, I went to see her. In the cool of the evening, we decided to sit in the garden, and I admired the various plants... some of which turned out to be weeds.

I never quite understand why some plants are designated as weeds... but then I was never particularly hot on botany. I'm quite content to divide the plant kingdom into flowering plants, trees and bushes. Vegetables exist, but I'm not too fussed about them. Fruit gets tacked on to the flowering plant category.

Anyway, the patch of plant stuff I captured with my iPhone is, apparently, the herb garden bit. Leutgeb broke off leaves from various plants and we rubbed them to release the smells, which were heavenly. She tried to encourage me to grow some herbs in pots on a windowsill - but I pointed out that the kitchen window is the one with the cat flap, which would be inviting disaster, while the others don't get much in the way of sunshine... as well as being the locations where Sylvester likes to sit and watch the world go by... There is also the problem of his tendency to munch on any greenery...

I was given a bunch of lavender to take home, and I promptly stuck it in a tiny vase to sit beside a candle and statue of Our Lady. Hopefully, Sylvester won't notice it up there...


  1. Anonymous8:57 am

    Good to see you back.

    Blog fatigue can be a bummer, but remember, there are no such things as Blog-a-days of Obligation.



  2. Welcome back! Knew you'd miss everyone! ;)
