Sunday 20 June 2010

Yet More Photos From Lourdes...

Yes, I did take quite a few photos, and yes, I am determined to share! However, this year I thought I'd arrange the photos according to theme rather than the day on which I took them; hence, I've already done a post on Bartrès, another on the Masses we had in various places, and a post showing off some of the more spectacular photos (IMHO) particularly from the torchlight procession.

I decided that, for this post, I'd take the opportunity to show one or two of the photos I shot around the Domaine, the main shrine area. Yes, I am showing off my snazzy camera's capabilities!!

I love this photo, because of the blue sky and vividly green trees contrasting with the white and gold Basilica. The area is quite empty, the professional photographers have cleared away their benches, and there aren't many people around: most of the pilgrims have had to scoot back to their respective hotels for lunch.

Walking down from the Crypt level, there is a flattish area which provides a perfect spot for photos of the Immaculate Conception Basilica and the Crypt (the dome you can see is part of the Rosary Basilica) and for the Esplanade looking right down to St. Michael's Gate at the far end.

The ramps down are surprisingly steep, and quite hard on the old knees. Anyone pushing a wheelchair up this part is definitely stacking up days off Purgatory...

I paused for breath, and also to take a photo of the bridge over the River Gave, the level of which was considerably lower than the previous year when it actually overflowed the banks!

Rather confusingly, St. Michael's Gate has statues of all three archangels, but it's easy to tell which one is which if you know what to look for...

First, there is St. Michael himself, defeating Satan...

... then there is St. Raphael. He's shown carrying a fish, a reference to the story in the Book of Tobit.

And finally, St. Gabriel is shown carrying a book, some lilies and holding up a hand as if to make a pronouncement...

Finally (for this post) I have this shot of the three Basilicas taken from the area by the water taps, next to the River Gave. Sadly, I got this photo on the one day when the sky was clouding over. Never mind, there's always next year!

My next photo post will be some shots I took in the Grotto itself...


  1. Much nicer and more evocative photos than the usual boring professional ones; and to the very highest standards . . . a nice coffee-table book of these would go down well !

  2. Behind the statue of St Michael you can see part of the Abri St Michel where the members Hospitalité eat and have some accommodation. The Hospitallers play a key role in running Lourdes. See HNDLGB or the British Hospitalité Trust sites for more information. New recruits are always welcome.
