Sunday 23 May 2010

Advice For The New Government...?

I have discovered that I can download episodes of various classic comedy programmes onto my iPhone... just in case the wait at the airport proved to be longer than usual!

Among my favourites are the series Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister. The following snippet seemed rather appropriate... though, of course, we have had to endure centralised control of education for well over a decade now...


  1. Absolutely the best comedy series ever . . . and still so true (though could even they ever have envisaged the situation with the Pope's Visit planning team ? I think not !).

  2. Can you download Fawlty Towers too? One of my favorites - behind Dr Who, of course!

  3. Yes, the whole of Fawlty Towers is available for download... that's one of the next items on my list (I have to pace myself a little) along with Only Fools and Horses and Blackadder.

    It has made me even happier to have my iPhone...
